Lighten up a little, Andy

by romeopapa

I get what you're saying, but let's give him the benefit of the doubt. K, if you have a jpg handy that represents the content of your zipfile, you can upload it and post it here using the link in the upper right-hand corner of this page "? Share Your Pix!". Start your post or reply, then right-click that link and open it in a new window. Click the "Browse" button and tell it where your picture is located on your hard drive, the click "Upload". After a minute, it will display the new url address where your pic has been stored. Copy that link, and paste it into your post here. Then when you click on "Submit Post" your pic should appear in your post. If you have any problems please feel free to email me for assistance. (If you do, remove the "x" from the front of my email addy.)

Hope this helps, love to see your sample.
